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发表于 2014-12-30 15:30:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Command at Sea: The Rising Sun, Empires of the Sun —— 约翰·科斯特洛的《太平洋战争》、波特的《尼米兹》
Seekrieg 4/5       —— E·B·波特的《海上力量》
Steel Wolves  —— 迈克尔·甘农的《黑色五月》、邓尼兹的〈第二次世界大战中的德国海军战略〉
The Fires of Midway —— Jonathan Parshall和Anthony Tully合著的《Shattered Sword》(等到货阅读)、渊田美津雄的〈中途岛海战〉
Close Action, Flying Colors, Wooden Ship & Iron Men —— 〈风帆时代的海上战争〉、〈海上力量〉、〈航海的人们——英法海战〉、〈怒海争锋之极地征伐〉、Hornblower系列,Noel Mostert的The Line Upon A Wind

Harpoon 4 —— 《猎杀红十月》,中国虚拟舰队翻译的《鱼叉3作战指南》和《潜艇战术手册》

Storm over Stalingrad, Stalingrad Pocket II, Combat Commander: Stalingrad ——A·M·萨姆索诺夫的《200天大血战》,《朱可夫回忆录》、《崔可夫回忆录》
June 6th, Normandy'44, Combat Commander: Normandy —— 《最长的一日》
FAB:The Bulge, Bitter Woods —— 董旻杰的《沸腾的雪:阿登反击战》
Hell's Highway, Screaming Eagles in Holland, Highway to the Reich II —— 《夺桥遗恨》,It Never Snow in September
Lost Victory: Manstein at Kharkov 1943 —— 曼施坦因的《失去的胜利》
Medwar Sicily —— 《巴顿将军》、《蒙哥马利回忆录》,这两本书交叉地看很有趣
Bitter End —— 元首卫队编著的《浴血多瑙河——布达佩斯包围战》

Paths of Glory —— 《八月炮火》、《第一次世界大战重大战役》

Yom Kippur —— 《赎罪日战争》、《中东战争全史》(这两本都是日本人写的)

For the People II —— 詹姆斯·M·麦克弗森的《火的考验:美国内战及重建》

Thirty Years War —— 席勒的《三十年战争》

Chosin: X Corps Escape the Trap —— 叶雨蒙的《黑雪·汉江雪·黑雨》,贝文·亚历山大的《朝鲜我们第一次战败》,托兰的《漫长的战斗:美国人眼中的朝鲜战争》

Case Yellow(还没出版)—— 董旻杰的《死神镰刀:闪击西欧》
Night Fighter, Bomb Commander(都还没出版)—— 董旻杰的《血色长空:二战英德夜间空战实录》
Republic of Rome —— 迈克尔·克兰特的《罗马史》
Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage —— 赛格·兰斯的《汉尼拔:伟大的战略家》

Here I Stand & Virgin Queen
在宗教方面可以参看Dairmaid MacCulloch的单卷本 The Reformation
http://www.amazon.com/The-Reform ... 33188768&sr=8-1

关于地中海上的争夺,刚看完Roger Crowley的Empires of the Seas: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World
http://www.amazon.cn/Empires-of- ... 33188422&sr=8-2

1807:The Eagles Turn East——James R.Arnold的Crisis in the Snow: Russia Confronts Napoleon The Eylau Campaign 1806-1807

 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-30 15:31:04 | 显示全部楼层
以下是Mark Mokszycki在设计Operation Dauntless中阅读的有关书籍,据说还不是全部。

Here's an incomplete list of some books I've been using myself. This list does not include online sources, of which there have been dozens. The books are listed in no particular order, although in general I have tried to place the more detailed and helpful books near the top of the list:

Normandy 1944 - German Military Organization, Combat Power and Organizational Effectiveness, by Niklas Zetterling

SS Panzer Formations - Normandy 1944. Volume 2 (parts 1A and 1B): SS Panzer Formation April - September 1944 - Normandy : Their Detailed and Precise Strengths, by J. Dugdale & Michael Wood

The 12th SS volume one, by Hubert Meyer, former chief of staff of the 12th SS

Grenadiers, by Kurt Meyer, commander of the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend

The Polar Bears- Monty's Left Flank- From Normandy to the Relief of Holland with the 49th Division, by Patrick Delaforce

Steel Inferno- 1st SS Panzer Corp in Normandy, by Michael Reynolds

The Normandy Landings, English edition, by General Jean Compagnon (ouest france)

Operation Epsom, by Lloyd Clark

Caen- Anvil of Victory, by Alexander McKee

Caen 1944, by Ken Ford

Operation Epsom - VIII British Corps v 1st SS Panzerkorps, by Tim Saunders

The Panzers and The Battle For Normandy - June 5th - July 20th, 1944, by Georges Bernage

SS-Hitlerjugend - The History of the Twelfth SS Division 1943-45, by Rupert Butler

Hill 112 - Battles of the Odon - 1944, by Tim Saunders

SS: Hell on the Western Front, by Chris Bishop

Breaking the Panzers, by Kevin Baverstock

Swimming Shermans - Sherman DD amphibious tank of World War II, by David Fletcher

British Anti-tank Artillery 1939-45, by Chris Henry

Gold Beach, by Simon Trew

Gold Beach, Inland from King - June 1944, by Christopher Dunhie & Garry Johnson

The SS: Hitler's Instrument of Terror, by Gordon Williamson

Army of the West, by James A. Wood, Editor

D-Day to Berlin, by Alan J. Levine

The D-Day Atlas- Anatomy of the Normandy Campaign, by Charles Messenger

Brassey's D-Day Encyclopedia, by Barrett Tillman

D-Day 1944 - Sword Beach & The British Airborne Landings, by Ken Ford

Normandy 1944, by Stephen Badsey

D-Day - The Greatest Invasion- A People's History, by Dan Van Der Vat

D-Day Normandy- The Story and the Photographs, by Donald M. Goldstein, Katherine V. Dillon, and J. Michael Wenger

Eyewitness D-Day - Firsthand Accounts from the Landing at Normandy to the Liberation of Paris, by D. M. Giangreco with Kathryn Moore

The Desert Fox in Normandy - Rommel's Defense of Fortress Europe, by Samuel W. Mitcham, Jr.

Normandy- The Real Story, by Brig. Gen. Denis Whitaker, DSO and Bar, and Shelagh Whitaker with Terry Copp

Normandy- The Landings to the Liberation of Paris, by Olivier Wieviorka, translated by M. B. DeBevoise

Decision in Normandy, by Carlo D'Este

Six Armies in Normandy, by John Keegan

Overlord - D-Day and the Battle For Normandy, by Max Hastings

Sherman Firefly, by David Fletcher

Sherman Firefly vs. Tiger - Normandy 1944, by Stephan A. Hart

D-Day: 24 Hours the Saved the World, by the editors of Time

German Late War Armored Fighting Vehicles, by Chris Bishop

German Late WW2 Armored Fighting Vehicles, by George Bradford

British Armoured Fighting Vehicles, by George Bradford

American Armored Fighting Vehicles, by George Bradford (the Sherman DD tanks are actually found in this book rather than the British volume)

Wehrmacht Panzer Divisions 1939-45, by Jorge Rosado & Chris Bishop

Waffen SS Divisions 1939-45, by Chris Bishop

Panzergrenadier Divisions 1939-45, Chris Bishop

German Infantry in WWII, by Chris Bishop

German Panzers in WWII, by Chris Bishop
 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-30 15:31:48 | 显示全部楼层
Hurtgen: Hell's Forest是我期待的一款大战术战棋,该战棋名称取自Hell in Hurtgen Forest: The Ordeal and Triumph of an American Infantry Regiment。这本书美陆军第22步兵团在胡根森林18天战斗中的历程。作者为22团二战老兵之子,资料调查相当详尽,同时也佩服美国人对自己战史资料积累丰富。另一本购入的胡根森林战役全景书是A Dark and Bloody Ground: Hurtgen Forest and Roer River Dams。德军方面的基层战史可以参看Victory was Beyond Their Grasp: 272nd VGD。
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