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感谢来自南昌的Serein Ⅲ和我推演塔拉韦拉DOB时发现的问题,才有了后续关于该剧本初设的讨论。
Some ideas about “The Meat Grinder Revisited”
Kevin Xu, with commentary by Kevin Zucker, John Devereaux, Mark Merritt, Eugene Rodek and Christopher Moeller
(我的原文 英文水平一般 轻喷):
I've recently read the article “The Meat Grinder Revisited—Why TLNB Rules as written provide a better combat model than tracking incremental losses” and found it extremely rewarding. Drawing on our previous experience of TLNB, I've come across some quite interesting aspects that I'd like to discuss with you. Thank you very much in advance for sharing your valuable insights!
First of all, regarding the loss model in the article. After we conducted a simulation of The Battle for Dresden 1813 published by NES, we believe that, in terms of gameplay, tracking the loss of each SP indeed adds a great deal of operation workload for both sides, which prolongs the duration of the game. However, we think that this makes the battlefield situation more reasonable. Taking the Day of Battle scenario of Talavera as an example (one of my favorite scenarios in TLNB): If the French can activate Victor in the first turn, then British cavalry (Cav) and the half of the troops of the First Division(If Hill’s stack suffers DR) might be directly caught in the Zone of Control and thus be eliminated.
Similarly, in many cases, if we stack an entire division together, it is very likely that an entire division will be wiped out in one hour. I understand that in the game rules, this is not considered a total casualty and the division can be reorganized later. But the situation presented in the game is that a division is lost within one hour, which is an unaffordable cost for both the attacking side and the defending side. Is this due to the excessively high killing efficiency caused by the Zone of Control?
Second, another reason why I approve of the way of tracking the loss of each SP is that this method can combine the loss of units and the degree of fatigue and express them as SP. The gradual loss can be understood as both the loss of personnel and the decline in the combat ability of units as the fatigue level rises. I've always been thinking about how TLNB reflects the fatigue level of units in combat. Taking the Approach to Battle in Wagram as an example, the units of both sides fought from 4 am to 8 pm. During this period, should the units take a rest instead of constantly moving and attacking?
Third, the conclusion of the article emphasizes the maneuvering in a major battle. After we played the Napoleon's Retreat and Piedmont's Campaign scenarios in TLNB, we found (it might be a problem with our way of thinking) that once the units of both sides engaged each other, they would keep fighting until they were forced to disengage from the Enemy Zone of Control at night or until one side was eliminated. We have no reason to abandon the several brigades stuck in the EZOC, and as a result, the entire army would be dragged into the battle there. In comparison, I think the 1X2X5X system can better demonstrate maneuvering. At the scale of TLNB, the impact of the Zone of Control on maneuvering is so significant that only the units that have not participated in the battle are likely to carry out some maneuvers after the two sides engage.
The above are some of my thoughts and questions after reading the article. I sincerely hope to get your answers. Thank you!
Kevin Zucker:
Nice thoughtful writing. Thanks for sending it. You picked the most extreme case to buttress your argument. But the same extreme loss could happen in any system. If you have a big stack without supports on either side, normally that situation didn't develop in one hour. That is the end-phase of a larger battle situation. So you haven't dug very deep yet. Please keep playing and thinking!
My question for you:
How often have you suffered the entire elimination of a big stack such as depicted above? Shouldn't a player continue to suffer losses like that until you learn to cover your flanks? In an incremental system, OTOH, there would be no consequences for his failure to use proper tactics.
Eugene Rodek:
Regarding the Talavera set-up, there is this subtle rule: 25.22 Hex Numbers: “The second player may adjust any one friendly unit by one hex prior to the first player turn (not in an EZOC).” Since the situation depicted above is a first turn setup, the British Player would have the option of adjusting one unit from Payne’s stack into the adjacent hex 0618.
关于塔拉韦拉的初设,(Study Folder)有一条规则:25.22 :“后手玩家可以在先手玩家回合开始前,将任意一个友方单位的初设位置调整一个格(不能进入敌方控制区)。”由于上述情况是第一回合的设置,英国玩家可以选择将佩恩(Payne)堆叠中的一个单位调整到相邻的六角格0618。
John Devereaux: One of the things that many players forget is that time is relative in gaming terms. Just because a unit marches to the sound of battle during a turn, does not mean it did not take a 10 minute rest break to get there. Also, ZOCs simulate a units influence on an adjacent area. This may mean that the ZOC has the unit physically in it, but is not shown on the map as such. The ZOC simulates multiple hex occupation in a way. One can always add complexity to simulate reality. The current system I believe was built for playability and the possibility of realistic results. This is a major selling point of the system. For many scenarios in the system, you can set the game up, play the game alone or with a friend in one night, enjoy the competition, and learn some history. The enjoyment for me with this system is that I do not have to do any bookkeeping. Of course, anyone is welcomed to add whatever complexities to the system they want to as they own the game. Our gaming group actually enjoys the simplicity of the system more than adding complexity. 许多玩家忘记的一件事是,在游戏术语中,时间是相对的。仅仅因为一个单位在一个回合中向战斗地点行军,并不意味着它没有在途中休息10分钟。此外,ZOC模拟了一个单位对相邻区域的影响。这可能意味着控制区内有单位实际存在,但并未在地图上明确显示。控制区在某种程度上模拟了多格的占据。 人们总是可以通过增加复杂性来模拟现实。我相信当前的系统是为了可玩性和可能实现现实结果而构建的。这是该系统的一个主要卖点。对于系统中的许多场景,你可以设置游戏,独自或与朋友在一晚上内玩完,享受竞争,并学习一些历史。对我来说,这个系统的乐趣在于我不需要做任何会计工作。 当然,任何人都可以随意增加他们想要的复杂性,因为他们拥有这款游戏。我们的游戏小组实际上更喜欢系统的简单性,而不是增加复杂性。 讨论:其实我之前提出的疲劳问题并不是针对一回合内是否有这10分钟的休息时间,而是针对剧本而言:以瓦格拉姆ATB为例,当时的士兵真的能够从凌晨四点一直战斗到晚上八点吗?即使说每小时能够休息十分钟,似乎也很难想象。